Date Sun, Jun 11, 2023


The 10 best study tips are important for excellence, as some children face difficulty in memorizing their lessons due to quick forgetting, so we must learn the correct methods and follow effective tips to achieve positive results that greatly affect the future of your child’s education .

How to study without getting bored

The less stress and anxiety you feel about exams, the more comfortable, healthy and productive you will be during the pre-exam study phase .

So, one of the most important tips for correct and effective studying that must be followed is to avoid stress and anxiety about exams.

Know that the stress and psychological pressure you suffer from during studying and exam times:

  • It negatively affects your memory and concentration.
  • It hinders your ability to memorize and reduces the brain's ability to absorb information.
  • It may cause insomnia and difficulty sleeping, which negatively affects both your physical and mental health.

So, staying away from stress and pressure, studying smartly , and organizing time are some of the best tips for studying properly before exams.

One of the most important tips is to avoid boredom by implementing some of the following guidelines :

  • Start with determination and strong will.
  • Set your goals precisely?
  • Plan ahead.
  • Simplify information.
  • Choose the right place to study.
  • Do not take too much rest.
  • Mix up your subjects.
  • Take a break.

Top 10 Study Tips

  • Start with the Holy Quran

Before starting your studies, read verses from the Holy Quran , as reading the Quran brings blessings in time and effort. The Quran, as stated by scholars, is the treasure of this nation on which generations are raised.

Imam Ibn al-Qayyim - may God Almighty have mercy on him - said: A person’s time is his life in reality, and it is the substance of his eternal life in eternal bliss, and the substance of his difficult livelihood in painful torment. It passes like the passing of clouds. So whoever’s time is for God Almighty and with God Almighty, then it is his life and his age, and anything else is not counted as part of his life.

If you read at least one or two verses before studying, and read the same number after finishing, this will help you remember the information better, especially the information that has been memorized. Therefore, this advice is considered one of the 10 best tips for studying .

  • sleep well

It is best to allocate enough time for sleep. Scientists have determined that the ideal sleep duration ranges between 6 to 8 hours for the body to enjoy healthy sleep.

This helps your mind to focus better, avoid distraction and increase attention quickly, which in turn will contribute to improving your performance in the study process.

  • Drink enough water

The 10 best tips for studying, the most important of which is drinking large amounts of water. It helps purify the mind and increase its clarity, enhances concentration and reduces distraction. It is recommended to drink a liter or more of water daily.

However, during the study process, it is better to have a bottle of water to drink from while studying, as this helps to enhance concentration and stay alert.

  • Physical activity

The saying “a healthy mind in a healthy body” has an important meaning, because when the body is in good condition, it can affect the mind and concentration.

During the study period, students sometimes feel bored and weak, and this is where physical activity comes in. If you feel sleepy, bored or lethargic, it is preferable to stop studying and do any activity that requires physical effort, such as walking around the halls of the house, for example.

  • Using the Pomodoro Technique

It has been scientifically proven that the human mind finds it difficult to pay attention for periods of more than 25 continuous minutes, so it is preferable to study for 25 minutes and then take a short break during which you enjoy doing something useful.

  • Don't study in bed

Places are closely linked to the mind. For example, the bed is linked in the mind to sleep, so if you go to study in bed while holding a book, this negatively affects the quality of sleep.

It is best to choose a quiet place with continuous natural lighting and dedicate it to studying only.

When you take your books and tools and go to this place, you will automatically program your mind that this is the time to study , and this is one of the best 10 tips for studying.

  • Time management

The top 10 tips for studying is time management , which is a vital skill that everyone must acquire, as students’ failure to study is a recurring habit that requires an apology due to the lack of sufficient time for learning.

Start studying early before the exam period to avoid wasting time. When you start studying early enough before the exam date, you will feel calm and focused and will reduce stress. This advice may help you avoid anxiety, stress and nervous pressure, which increases your productivity.

  • Solve a lot of tests

This method is one of the most successful methods of correct studying and effective review to prepare for any exam, so it is one of the top 10 tips for studying, and it also provides the student with great experience and training in the field of exams.

So try to increase the number of previous questions and tests you solve to practice all types of questions and methods of answering them.

Reviewing the material by solving exercises and tests is an effective method for studying properly before exams, especially in high school.

It is one of the most important tips that we recommend to students during final study, based on our previous experience and expertise and incorporating the top 10 study tips.

  • Summarize what was discussed

If you decide to study a subject using highlighters, then summarize it in your own style and highlight the important and significant points, you will be able to master the subject and achieve the highest grades in it, even if you are not able to get the full grade in this subject. You will notice that first-year students study in this way.

  • Review

When you summarize the material and then review it, you will notice a clear improvement in the stability and clarity of the information. This is considered the best 10 tips for studying.

Studying without reviewing makes it completely futile, as you will lose some of the information that was studied, so the review process works to enhance comprehension and fix the information in the memory better.

How to study through has provided the best means to help you study your subjects with ease, through several features, including:

  • Providing an elite group of professors to teach the subjects with high experience.
  • Provide diagrams that help enhance understanding.
  • It doesn't cost you to leave the house to study.
  • Available 24 hours a day.
  • With it, you can get all the lessons and courses in all subjects.
  • Interactive sessions through many modern means and technology.
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